Saturday, June 25, 2011

*Deep Fried* Sweet Potato Fries

So I heart fried food (yes, I know it's bad for me... blah blah) but my Fry Daddy has been on vacation for the past few months.  We whipped it out today to try deep frying our new favorite vegetable and we're very pleased with the result.  If you've read any of my posts before, you know we've had Garlic Sweet Potato Fries a lot recently, which are great.... but.... they're baked, not fried.  I think I like these more... surprise surprise ;)  I wouldn't call this a recipe because I don't have exact measurements... just a general idea of what to do.  If you don't have a deep fryer, then shame on you but I guess you could fry them on the stove top in a pot of oil... which sounds almost as dangerous as me wanting a blow torch to make creme brulee and considering what I continually do to my thumb with the box grater, you know a blow torch is a bad idea for me.

2 sweet potatoes, washed, patted dry and cut into french fry shape
egg ( we used 3)
milk (maybe a cup or so)
flour (about a cup)
seasonings (garlic powder, salt, cayenne pepper... or whatever you like)
vegetable oil for deep frying

Heat oil to 350 F.  Combine egg and milk in a shallow dish.  In another shallow dish combine flour and seasonings.  Dredge fries through egg mixture then flour mixture.  In batches, deep fry the sweet potato fries till golden brown.  Place on a plate lined with paper towels to soak up excess oil and salt or season.  Continue to deep fry.  Eat and enjoy and then go run a few miles to counteract what the oil is doing to your arteries ;)

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