Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chicken with Creamy Dijon Herb Sauce

I'm not a huge fan of condiments as some of my friends are ;) and I am also not a huge fan of mustard flavored foods.  I skimped on the sauce for my plate but Eric poured it on and loved it.

1/4 c chicken broth***
3 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 1/2 tbsp cream cheese, softened
6 basil leaves, minced
EVOO cooking spray
2-6 oz boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 garlic clove, minced

Combine broth, mustard, cream cheese, and herbs until well blended.  Cook chicken in hot skillet coated in EVOO cooking spray until brownded on both sides.  Stir in mustard sauce and garlic. Simmer over medium heat 3 to 5 minutes until sauce thickens and flavors are well blended.  Serve with vegetables for a low carb meal for two.

***I use granules to make beef, chicken, vegetable broth or stock because I typically do not need a whole can of broth or stock and the carton goes bad before I use it all.  So in the case of this recipe, I microwaved 1/4 c of water till boiling and stirred in 1/4 tsp of chicken granules to make a 1/4 c of chicken broth.

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