Monday, June 13, 2011

Our Sunday [Grilled] Dinner

Not a recipe... just how I like my steak... marinade well with Worcestershire sauce and Weber Chicago steak seasoning for at least a few hours.  Take out of refrigerate to bring to room temperature before grilling and sprinkle both sides well with Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper.  Grill to desired doneness (I prefer medium rare for steak... Eric says it's gross to eat bloody steak... he's just mad because he can't then eat what I can't finish).  Top with bleu cheese crumbles.  We had corn on the cob (for some reason, this is the only way I'll eat corn since being a kid... if you don't digest something, what is the point of eating it?  However, there is nothing like well buttered, well salted, and well peppered grilled corn on the cob) and Garlic Sweet Potatoes because we cannot get enough these.... they are good for you, right?!

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