Tuesday, April 26, 2011

No, I'm not done cooking...

No, I'm not done cooking and no, I have not abandoned this blog-we just had some company over the holiday weekend.  In other words, I made (too much and) lots of food this weekend and we're now knee deep in leftovers.  I didn't think any of it was post-worthy (breaded chicken [aka Jen's Shake n Bake chicken as referred to by my brother], mac n cheese, brownies, cakes, cookie bars, buffalo chicken dip, taco dip, a roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing, etc).  I also did defrost and heat a tray of lasagna that I made a few weeks ago and I know I haven't posted my lasagna recipe yet but I have never written it down and to be honest, I don't know how it's made till I'm making it....I'll have to do that one eventually.  Although this break from cooking is nice, I'll be ready to eat hot non-rewarmed food come next week.

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