Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pound Cake

In an attempt to make some grilled desserts, I found a recipe for grilled pound cake with some toppings.  The original recipe called for store bought pound cake, which you should know is a no no in this house... not in regards towards pound cake but in regards to any baked goods.  So this is the pound cake I will be grilling.

2 sticks butter, softened
1/2 c vegetable shortening
3 c sugar
5 eggs
3 c flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 c milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 F.  In a large bowl, beat butter and shortening till fluffy.  Slowly beat in sugar.  Beat eggs in one at a time.  Combine flour and baking powder.  Combine milk and vanilla.  Alternating and adding in thirds, mix in flour mixture and milk mixture.  Grease and flour a bundt cake pan and pour batter in evenly.  Bake at 350 F for 1h to 1h30m.  Use a fork to be sure middle is done.

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