Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

I have a confession to make: most of the time, my cookie bars are not from scratch.  I think most everyone that has eaten these [when I had them here/brought them to a party/was asked to bring them somewhere] assumed that I make these from scratch.  Technically, I don't think you could say I lied about this fact.  I don't believe I was ever point blank asked "did you make these from scratch?" but I admit I let people believe that.  Don't get me wrong-I make most baked goods from scratch and can even make these from scratch-but I typically get a little help from Betty Crocker on this one.  In the end though, the direction on the back of these cookie pouches are not the ones I follow but rather I went through a few variations before I arrived at this one.  Following the cookie pouch directions, they come out too thin and who doesn't like a thick cookie?  So here's my secret on these.

2 Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie pouches
2 sticks of butter, unsalted
2 eggs

Preheat oven to 350 F.  In a small bowl, place the two sticks of butter and microwave for 30 seconds.  You don't want them completely melted but rather more soft (a little melted is fine).  In a large bowl, place the contents of the 2 cookie pouches, 2 eggs, and 2 sticks of butter.  Mix until all of the cookie mix is incorporated with the egg and butter.  Spread evenly into a lightly butter sprayed 13x9 pan.  Bake 30-33 minutes.  The bars should start to look lightly browned and the center of the pan should not 'jiggle' a whole lot when you shake the pan.  Yes, I do a jiggle test on these.  A fork test is no good because they will seem slightly undone in the center but they continue to cook once you pull them out.  Let them sit till cooled.

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